I have never understood why some answers-in-the-comments (or partial answers, or empirical data) are apparently allowed, while others get deleted. As I practice swinging this hammer, I find myself confronted with this more and more.
StackExchange's guidance is that comments should "ask for clarification on, suggest corrections to, and provide meta-information about posts" and warns that comments are subject to deletion.
In this discussion, the upvoted posts explain why answers-in-the-comments can be good, while the downvoted posts suggest that they should be deleted.
In this discussion, it is suggested that our mods currently delete comments-in-the-answers if, and only if, they are flagged by other users (rather than proactively finding-and-destroying all instances).
In a comment to this answer, it is suggested that mods should do "what the community wants." So my question is: how does the community want its mods to handle answers-in-the-comments?
Update: Thanks for the discussion. We've decided to move forward with Wrzlprmft's suggestion to structure this discussion a bit more so we can produce a well-defined policy. Please participate in this discussion here