Following the suggestion in this meta post, some new feeds have been added to the Academia chat room. The feed will post in the room each time a new question is posted on one of these tags:
- career-development on Mathematics SE
- career on MathOverflow
- career on Theoretical Computer Science SE
- academia on Cross Validated
- graduate-education and undergraduate-education on Math Educators SE
These specific tags were chosen because:
- The content of most of the questions in them is highly related to the areas that are in the scope of Academia, and
- They are fairly low-volume (we don’t want to overwhelm chat)
The purpose of this meta post is for users to give feedback on the feeds in chat: “I hate this and want all the feeds to go away,” “I want X tag on Y site to also be added because Z,” etc.
As each of these feeds is posted by its own dedicated user, you can get rid of them on a per-feed basis by simply ignoring the respective user.