I have observed the following on several occasions:
- New user posts a very broad, subjective, and/or open-ended question (and not the "good subjective" type, either).
- When the question is closed, the user says something like, "But they told me on X.SE that X.SE is only for questions about X, that Academia.SE is for soft questions, and I should post it here."
Obviously, it's very frustrating for a new user to be told to post here, only to have the question downvoted and closed.
What can we do to help avoid this situation?
To clarify: I was thinking about how to educate the High-Rep User of Other SE who says to Brand New SE User there, "Hey, you should post this soft question on Academia instead."
(Brand New SE User, even if he reads our help center, is likely to trust High-Rep User of Other SE more than his own understanding of our somewhat confusing help center. And High-Rep User of Other SE is already familiar with the SE way, and may be more capable of understanding our policies than Brand New SE User.)