I recently added the new tag 'student-evaluation' to the question Is it appropriate to include additional materials in an academic job application?, but this was quickly removed. However, from what I could find, there are no tags describing this subject, even though such a tag should be relevant for many questions here on AcademiaSE (both current and future ones).
Searching the main site, 'evaluation + teaching' turns up 62 results, and from scanning these the tag would clearly be relevant for many of them. The specific phrases '"teaching evaluations"' and '"student evaluations"' shows up 6 and 7 times respectively.
When adding the tag I initially chose between 'student-evaluation' and 'teaching-evaluation', and chose the former. However, either one would fit the purpose, and on a second thought the latter option might be more general (could encompass 'student-evaluation' but also other types of evaluations of teaching skills).
Do you think that there is a need for such a tag? From what I can see there seems to be a "research-bias" in the current tags, with relatively few tags that deal with the teaching side of academic activities.