Josh from The Winnower ( here. I wanted to reach out and see if users of Stack Exchange Academia would be interested in permanently archiving and assigning Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) to top threads with The Winnower. We’ve begun to offer DOIs and permanent archival to blogs, scholarly reddit AMAs, and we think various Stack Exchange is equally deserving of such services, services that are typically only afforded to traditional scholarly publishers. In short we’d love to make these great Q&As citable in the scholarly literature and count on users CVs for credit in the workplace/academia. But of course, we’d like your feedback before we do anything. We’ve met with some great people at the Stack Exchange offices and based upon your feedback they are willing to help. So…
Do you think top threads in Academia should be assigned a DOI and archived permanently via The Winnower?
If so, what threshold would you set
If not, why?
For background here is some more info on why we are offering DOIs to new media and how we’re doing it.
What is a DOI?
Why we assign DOIs and archive scholarly reddit AMAs
And for those curious we archive content via Portico, the same method used for many leading scholarly journals.
Thanks! Josh, founder of The Winnower ([email protected])