I see that my question https://academia.stackexchange.com/q/31701/452 received 3 close votes for being too broad. It seems that close voters complain that I am asking for all countries instead of just one.
Should I ask one question per country, or otherwise how can I improve the question?
The question got on hold so I deleted and created a country-specific question (https://academia.stackexchange.com/q/31806/452). Below is the original question:
Title: In which countries is consent required by law to take a picture or to record audio / video of a conference talk?
Body: Provided that the conference does not explicitly prohibit unauthorized audio and visual recordings of the presentations, and ignoring ethical/political/any other non-legal issues.
I am aware of the question Is consent required to record audio of a conference talk in the US?, but as the question indicates it focuses on the USA only.
I'd also be fine with a list of countries where consent is not required to take a picture or to record audio / video of a conference talk.