This is how we've been explained to interpret stuff in our queues on Stack Overflow, which gets a much higher volume of questions. The goal is to check whether the answer passes the smell test as an answer, not whether it holds water as an answer.
Here's an example of usage from Stack Overflow over the use of "Looks Okay".
Looks Okay does not mean Is Correct.
Consider the following example question:
What is 1 + 1?
And the example answers, with the correct(ish) response in parentheses
- Two (Looks Okay)
- 1.99999 (Looks Okay)
- I like turtles! (Not an Answer)
- (Link-only Answer)
- Has anyone figured it out? (Not an Answer)
As awkward as it may seem, the second answer, 1.99999, based on what the LQPRQ is looking for, should be marked as "Looks Okay." The answer may be categorically wrong (in which case you would downvote it), but the goal of the queue itself is to get rid of content which do not meet the guidelines to be considered an answer.
So long as it is an attempt at an answer, the correct action we're supposed to do is mark it as "Looks Okay" from an Answer perspective.
After that, we can go to the page and downvote, comment that this is wrong, unsafe, insane, etc.
Answers that get downvoted because they are wrong and answers that get deleted because they are not answers fall in different buckets.