Elected former elected, former-former moderator on RPGSE: if you have any concerns, kudos, suggestions, questions, please find me in RPG General Chat.
Playing: the tuba, trumpet, or French horn, depending on the day; Cities: Skylines to decompress
Running: Monster of the Week set in the Roland-verse (skipping around All-World, various Earth timelines, Delain, &c.); high school RPG group (Traveller via Cepheus engine); and 5e port of ToEE for middle-schoolers.
Prepping: playbooks for an Age of Sail PbtA game
Current & Last 6 Books: Brooks' Love Your Enemies (assigned for faculty as summer reading); Hyerdal's Kon-Tiki, Finnegan's Barbarian Days: A Surfing Life; Mollick's Co-Intelligence: Living and Working with AI; Rothfuss's Narrow Road Between Desires; Robinson's Mars trilogy.
SupporterMar 12, 2020
AutobiographerMar 12, 2020
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