Personality & social psychologist
Research interests:
- Existential psychology (meaning/purpose in life, uncertainty, existential problems and attitudes)
- Positive psychology (psychological well-being, life satisfaction, affect)
- Motivation (goals, values, motives, intrinsic & extrinsic motivation, attainment, support & conflict)
- Spirituality (afterlife belief, religion, universalism)
- Traits (the "Big Five", spirituality, intelligence, needs for cognition or closure, conservatism)
- Survey methods (construction, validation, bias identification & reduction)
- Latent factor structure
- Structural equation modeling
- Effect size estimation
- Longitudinal change
- Causality
- Nonparametric & robust analysis
- Resampling methods
- Programming (R, function writing, simulation testing)
- Me. (2013). Personal goals, psychological well-being, and meaning in life. University of California, Riverside: Psychology.
- Steger, M. F., Pickering, N., Adams, E., Burnett, J., Shin, J. Y., Dik, B. J., & Me. (2010). The quest for meaning: Religious affiliation differences in the correlates of religious quest and search for meaning in life. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 2(4), 206-226.
Posters and presentations (PowerPoints available on my SlideShare page)
- Me & Ozer, D. J. (2012). Matching goals to values: Correlations follow semantic similarities. 92nd WPA, San Francisco.
- Me. (2012). Existential and psychological health as products of intrinsic goal attainment. Presentation, April 19, UCR.
- Me, Selvam, T., Cheong, R., & Ozer. (2011). Religious differences in the value systems of meaningful (and meaningless) lives. 2nd ARP, Riverside.
- Me & Ozer. (2011). Joint factors of spirituality and religiousness. 91st WPA, Los Angeles.
- Me & Ozer. (2011). Spiritual predictors of the search for meaning in life. 12th SPSP, San Antonio.
- Me. (2010). Current research in existential psychology. Presentation, November 4, UCR.
- Me, Boudreaux, M. J., & Ozer. (2010). Factor structure of the Values Q-Set. 118th APA, San Diego.
- Me & Ozer. (2010). The motive content of meaningful (and meaningless) lives. 15th EAPP, Brno, Czech Republic.
- Me, Stimson, T. S., & Boudreaux. (2010). The curve of the quest for a more meaningful life. 11th SPSP, Las Vegas.
- Me. (2010). The Values Q-Set. Presentation, January 21, UCR.
- Me, Stimson, Boudreaux, & Ozer. (2009). When do personality traits predict personal goals? 1st ARP, Evanston.
- Me. (2009). The factor structure of personal goals. Presentation, June 4, UCR.
- Me, Stimson, & Ozer. (2009). The factor structure of personal goals in an undergraduate population. 10th SPSP, Tampa.
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