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5 votes

Yet another list question: Collection of links to LaTeX templates repositories acceptable on Academia SE?

Is this suited for this site? I see several problems with the proposed question: If we go for one conference per answer, there are hundreds of possible answers, neither of which is better than ...
Wrzlprmft's user avatar
  • 63.6k
4 votes

Is a general question discussing differences in research methodology in different fields too broad?

Your original question contains I'd like to see how this process may differ in various fields. In this question you say I've included my sample answer for the field of Economics It sounds like ...
StrongBad's user avatar
  • 105k
2 votes

Why is that question too broad?

A key reason that I voted to close is that the question did not show evidence of research, per Bill Barth's comment. This is an incredibly broad topic, and as the help page says: Your questions ...
jakebeal's user avatar
  • 190k
1 vote

Why is that question too broad?

It seems the title 'what are the reasons why faculty applicants accept or reject academic jobs' is too broad to be answerable in the SE format, however, the question asked by Franck 'is there research ...
J. Roibal - BlockchainEng's user avatar

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