How to prevent censorship in a StackExchange forum?
I did not find the question particularly unclear, but there were certainly some problems that led to it getting closed. A wish of our members to censor this discussion was certainly not one of them, ...
How to prevent censorship in a StackExchange forum?
TL;DR: If users say that your question is unclear, please consider the possibility that this is because it is actually unclear – and not because of censorship.
There were several problems with your ...
- 65k
Should an individual user's request for gender-neutral language be honored?
Suppose I am the hypothetical User B in this scenario. I have not previously indicated any gender preference, I wish to remain gender neutral, and User A has used male pronouns in reference to me in a ...
How to prevent censorship in a StackExchange forum?
Welcome, Ixer. This is a feature, not a bug. The Stack Exchange system is designed to make it easy to remove low quality questions. If you do not like this, try a different website.
If you want ...
Should an individual user's request for gender-neutral language be honored?
There is absolutely zero practical way to force a user/commenter/answerer to go to the profile and check for a pronoun preference. It's just not how this system was meant to work.
Given that, I ...
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