19 votes

Springer Shop uses an image quite similar to the Academia logo (or vice-versa)

I don't think there is anything to worry about: The logos are not exactly identical, there is no copyright or attribution license issue. It seems pretty clear from Springer's website that this ...
Cape Code's user avatar
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16 votes

Academia's updated site theme is now live for everyone

General comments: University image: status-completed The line weight has been adjusted. When shrinking the image, the weights were too fine and made the image look fuzzy or undefined. We'll get a ...
eykanal's user avatar
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12 votes

Academia's updated site theme is now live for everyone

status-completed These are now blue instead of pink. What's with the pink OP highlighting? (from this answer.) On the plus side, the jarringness of the pink has brought my attention that ...
E.P.'s user avatar
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7 votes

Should we turn the cap the other way?

Since Academia has graduated from beta, it makes sense that the tassel is on the right (looking at it, left if you were under the cap). I propose leaving the tassel as is.
Jon Custer's user avatar
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7 votes

Academia's updated site theme is now live for everyone

status-completed The line weights have been adjusted. When shrinking the image, the weights were too fine and made the image look fuzzy or undefined. We'll get a better weight for them. Clock face ...
Wrzlprmft's user avatar
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5 votes

Double suggestions on comment

The reason is that there are two accounts with the same display name and they both commented under your question. It might be the same user who created two accounts (maybe they lost the credentials of ...
Massimo Ortolano's user avatar
3 votes

Academia's updated site theme is now live for everyone

This header doesn't exactly look great: It seems like the title should only go as far as the divider between the question and the right bar. Right now, it doesn't seem like it's part of the same ...
Azor Ahai -him-'s user avatar
1 vote

Academia's updated site theme is now live for everyone

There isn't enough contrast between "open" questions and questions with an accepted answer on the landing page. The box around the answer is nice, but some shading would make it clearer—and break up ...
aeismail's user avatar
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