### "I couldn't find a better SE site for this question" is not necessarily a reason to ask it here ###

The [help center](http://academia.stackexchange.com/help/on-topic) describes what kinds of questions are considered on-topic here, as well as some kinds of questions that are outside the scope of this site (as defined by the community).

We welcome your on-topic contributions. But, if you ask a question that is not within one of the on-topic areas, or that falls within one of the out-of-scope areas, it will be closed.

This is true even if there is currently no StackExchange site (or other site) at which you may ask the question. Off-topic-ness everywhere else does not imply on-topic-ness here.

Furthermore, while some users may suggest a better site<sup>1</sup> to ask your question if they know of one, we aren't necessarily experts on all the websites out there. So if you ask in a comment
> well, what site can I ask this question at, then????

you may or may not get a response - because we don't necessarily know the answer. But it definitely won't get the question reopened. 

If you think you've identified a gap in the coverage of current StackExchange sites, you can visit [Area51](http://area51.stackexchange.com/) to propose a new site, or support an existing proposal. 


<sup>1</sup> [Cross-posting is against StackExchange policy](http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/64068/is-cross-posting-a-question-on-multiple-stack-exchange-sites-permitted-if-the-qu) and is liable to get your question closed and deleted. If you think your *own* question would be more appropriate on a different site, use the "flag" link and ask a moderator to migrate it from Academia to your preferred site. If you think *someone else's* question would be more appropriate on another site, [write a comment][1] suggesting that the OP use the "flag" link to ask a moderator to migrate it (and, also vote to close *if* it's also off-topic at Academia).

  [1]: http://meta.academia.stackexchange.com/a/1024/11365