Questions tagged [bug]

Indicates you've found an erroneous or unexpected behaviour in the system that needs to be fixed.

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0 votes
1 answer

Bug report - '.. every 40 minutes'

Just a bug? report. I just now joined Academia (I am a long-time user of many SE sites); I posted a question and .. No issue to me, just lettin' y'all know, cheers. resolved below
2 votes
1 answer

If I write the description of an image, then I do not see where they appear

When I introduce an Image in my answer, there is a description to be given. But then it does not appear in the published version, not even when hovering over the image (would be cool to have something ...
0 votes
1 answer

I can't get the 'Autobiographer' badge

I have changed and saved the 'About me' section, but cannot get the Autobiographer badge for both main and meta sites. I did it several times and waited several hours, but the badge does not appear. ...
9 votes
2 answers

Why does SE misspell "occurred" as "occured"?

To see examples of the misspelling, visit this link: On the right hand side, you should see the word, e.g. "occured Dec 13 '20 at 1:05&...
2 votes
1 answer

Daily vote limit reached before Vox Populi badge earned

I just received a notification while attempting to upvote a post on the main site that I've reached my daily vote limit. I've not been voting "today" (which I realize is delimited in UTC) ...
-3 votes
2 answers

Request for moderator apology

A low reputation user posted a very short answer. The answer had a net 13 upvotes. A moderator deleted the answer giving the reason that "It adds nothing whatsoever to the earlier answers and has no ...
5 votes
3 answers

Why can't I answer question about gender pronouns?

I found Am I conveying disrespect if I omit my gender pronoun from a conference nametag? through the Hot Questions list. I was interested in posting an answer, but I don't see the answer box. I have ...
0 votes
1 answer

Misrepresented as making a post community wiki

Mi answer is labeled as been made a community wiki by me. Post Made Community Wiki by Jose Antonio Dura Olmos That is not the case, I did not make the answer community wiki. There may be good ...
3 votes
0 answers

Love this site? I think, too much.

"Love this site?" is too wide, it appears. OS: Windows 7 Browser: Chrome Version 66.0.3359.139
11 votes
1 answer

Hot Network Questions is now a bulleted list

Something changed, and now the HNQ list in the sidebar is a bulleted list: This looks a little awkward to me, since the site icons already do the job of a bullet. I don't see this happening on ...
1 vote
2 answers

What's the deal with this ducking duck?

Not sure how unique it is to Academia.SE but it didn't show up in MathOverflow. To get rid of it, I had to click on it which involved giving it access to the microphone. How do I know this website has ...
3 votes
1 answer

Double suggestions on comment

Problem: Question: How do researchers ask others for comments and advices for their research?
2 votes
1 answer

Treble notification of earning a "yearling" badge

I wonder why the notification of my earning a "yearling" badge came in triplicate (three identical notifications). I haven't seen this type of behaviour before on StackExchange. This is the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Code being displayed above question listing

When I visit Academia.SE, there is some code being displayed above the question listing: docsHero.RenderPartial(Html); storyHero.RenderPartial(Html); macOS 10.12.3, Chrome 56.0.2924.87 (64-bit)
6 votes
1 answer

The spam filter caught my answer and I want to know why

I attempted to post this answer to this question, and it was rejected by the spam filter. Instead of receiving any kind of detailed "remove this wording, this looks like advertising, etc." I received ...
3 votes
0 answers

Can't flag close on a bountied question

This question: Convince my supervisor for me to switch my research field to his major area halfway in my PhD seems off-topic for me as it depends on the personal circumstances and relationship ...
0 votes
1 answer

After voting to close a question and retracting vote, cannot vote to close again: status-by-design, or bug?

In regard to this question, I voted to close using a custom close reason. When I had finished typing and submitted, another user had done the same, but I liked his formulation of the, in intent, same ...
2 votes
1 answer

Badge wrongly awarded to me? Bug in software?

I was awarded the Self-Learner badge for How to say good-bye to an unhelpful and undisciplined professor? The badge is defined "Answer your own question with score of 3 or more." I didn't ask the ...
5 votes
0 answers

Why does this low-score question not show up at the bottom of questions sorted by votes?

This question has a (deserved) score of -12. Yet if I search for all questions sorted by votes and scroll to the very last page, it does not show up; the lowest non-closed question is this question ...
2 votes
1 answer

Highest voted questions not shown while not logged in

I was trying to show Academia.SE to a friend yesterday, and let him browse a bit. As we were using his computer, not mine, I obviously wasn't logged into my account. I was surprised that even after ...
9 votes
0 answers

Not enough distinction between visited links and unvisited in the questions list

On the homepage / questions list, the distinction between visited questions and unvisited is incredibly subtle. At the moment, I can only just see the difference between them, because they are grey ...
1 vote
2 answers

Bug in number of review tasks displayed

Since graduation, I've observed that quite often, the number of tasks in the review list is not consistent. For instance, in the attached screenshot, the top-menu bar displays 3 tasks to review, while ...
2 votes
0 answers

Problem with tag editing window

I just noticed in editing a tag wiki entry the following interface "bug." Note that the text entry window overlaps with the "What is a tag wiki excerpt" text at right. Resizing the window does nothing ...
2 votes
1 answer

Line height for title changes in post revisions is too small

Behold below. The problem only occurs when the title changes but not the body. Example title changes on this post, revs 2 and 5 render poorly, but title+body changes on this one, rev 3 seem fine. ...
0 votes
0 answers

Nomination data does not match profile data

I just nominated myself for the moderator election and under my nomination it says review history meta questions: 27 / +105 meta answers: 57 / +140 helpful flags: 114 but my profile on the main site ...
0 votes
2 answers

Votes/answers/views and question title end up in two separate rows

I think it's a bit unpleasant, lots of wasted space... is it a bug or a feature? Using Chrome on OSX Mavericks, btw. EDIT: I double checked with Safari and FF, it looks ok. Also Chrome running on ...
6 votes
0 answers

Font weight for votes/answers/views on question list is too light

I really like the new design, but I think the font weight for the vote/answer/view counts in the question list is a little light. This is particularly pronounced when the question is marked as ...
3 votes
1 answer

Text in comment box

When I want to type a new comment, there is some text already present in the text box, which disappears when I start typing my comment. However, this text is not complete, and only shows: "Use ...
2 votes
3 answers

Why do I get a yellow “0 flag” alert on the top bar?

Why do I get a yellow “0 flag” alert on the top bar, on Academia, where I am not a moderator? It links to the “tools” page, where there is nothing for me to do:      Same situation exists on Meta:  ...
1 vote
1 answer

Duplicate question deleted by Community

It was recently brought to our attention that this question has been automatically deleted by the Community user, which also deleted some comment on this question. To the best of my knowledge, the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Bad rendering on iPad mini

See on the right hand side a bug in rendering on the iPad mini's browser...
1 vote
1 answer

Migrate question

I asked to migrate a question from Philosophy to Academia. However, the links to my account have been removed from my comments, although I have Academia account. I think this might be a potential bug.
2 votes
1 answer

My questions and answers are missing from my profile page

I have asked a few questions and answered some questions too, but when I click my profile name on top, I get this screen. How can my reputation be 213, without asking, answering any questions.
0 votes
2 answers

(bug) Closing a question that should be on another .SE site

I voted to close this question on programming, and wanted to vote to send it to StackOverflow, but noticed that I couldn't choose to do that: Notice that I cannot click "Vote to Close" on the second ...
1 vote
3 answers

Should duplicate questions be doubly linked?

Currently questions closed as duplicate are what I will refer to as singly linked. A link appears on top of the closed duplicate question pointing to the original question. Nothing is added to the ...
2 votes
0 answers

Bad rendering of bounty custom message dialog

I just posted a bounty on one of my questions and I noticed that the rendering is off. The vertical lines on the far left (where it says "Enter a custom message" the E does not have the vertical line, ...
1 vote
1 answer

Bug in our web display?

I notice a possible bug in our display. In this question How do I convert my PhD dissertation so that it can be published as a book? Javeer Baker's comment appears on top of Suresh's comment. In ...