This question seems very straightforward to me: do professors get any financial "rewards" for winning grants? It seems like OP was wondering whether this explained why professors (who already have tenured, relatively well-paid positions) spent so much time applying for and executing grants.
Why was this closed? It looks like there were three votes for "details or clarity" and two votes for "too broad."
- I don't understand the complaints about details/clarity at all; the question seems perfectly clear to me.
- The "too broad" complaint makes a bit more sense, since the question does also ask if the same logic would apply to industry researchers. But this seems like a matter that can be resolved with a quick edit rather than closure.
I propose we reopen this question, and moving forward, I would encourage people to only vote to close if the question is truly unsalvageable. But maybe I am missing something -- other thoughts?
Update: Appreciate the discussion. Some good points on both sides, so we'll let the normal voting process play out rather than making a binding decision here. Five users (myself included) have now voted to reopen, so the question is open for now -- but it remains eligible to be re-closed by voting in the usual way.