Following up a recent meta post wondering about the direction this site is taking, I wanted to discuss the possibility of changing one of our current habit, which is to close "technical" questions as off-topic.
While some are clear cuts, say someone asking about the content of an algorithm, some are actually effectively about the academic process. One example are questions pertaining to good practice when designing a study. We might then benefit from a "study-design" tag.
A few examples:
Creating a research questionnaire with repeating sections
What tradeoffs are there between internal and external validity?
Is it possible to "validate" a simulator without comparing it with the actual tool?
Yes these questions are field-specific, but a lot of the existing one are as well. Apparently we're capable of dealing with that.
with the pool of clever and successful academics participating to this site it would be great to leverage that knowledge. Also, it would be a refreshing change to all the questions along the line of "someone stole my work/my GPA is not so great how do I still get into grad school/something mildly entertaining happened in class" for which we now have a comprehensive set of answers.
In a typical meta fashion, vote this question up if you're in favor, down if you're against.