Should the "Black Nodes Matter" question, which mocks the Black Lives Matter protesters, be removed?
Here's the link:
Should the "Black Nodes Matter" question, which mocks the Black Lives Matter protesters, be removed?
Here's the link:
There are three main paths by which a question can be deleted.
Flags: If a question receives enough spam or abusive flags, the community bot will automatically delete the question and feed the spam/abusive detection algorithms. While this question is not spam, the abusive flag can be used for trolling. The question has only received a single abusive flag, which is not enough to trigger the community bot.
Delete votes: Users with enough rep can vote to delete questions when the question has either been closed for long enough or is sufficiently down voted. The question in question, is has neither received enough down votes nor been closed long enough for users to delete the question
Moderators: Moderators can unilaterally delete a question. We tend to try not to do this and let the community take care of things, but sometimes we need to step in. That said, during the mod elections we were asked about our thoughts on unilaterally deleting things. All the elected mods basically said let the community decide, so we tend to be conservative when deleting things.
As for why I haven't deleted the question. I did not see the question prior to it being closed. It was closed by 5 high rep users rather quickly. The question only has a single flag and there are not a large number of comments. I think the community is handling the issue well and there is no need for a moderator to step in at this point.
I think the question shows utter incompetence as a lecturer, but it's a valid question and should not be removed because I've had lecturers who were actually this socially incompetent, and as such it's a legitimate question. Hopefully someone will learn from some of the excellent answers it's attracting.
Converted from a comment on the main site question (which I now have deleted):
I am European so I probably know very little about this movement and the controversies that surround it, but I am strongly against the deletion of this question. In my view, merely discussing a topic in a civil way should never be censored because someone finds it offensive.