We have a helpful list of standard Q&As, which makes it easier for questioners to find out what they want to know, and write non-duplicate questions. The list also helps with identifying duplicate questions, and with figuring out where the dupes should point.
I would like to make this list even more useful by tagging each such question (on the main site). The possibilities for a tag (or two tags -- some sites make a distinction) that I've seen from other sites are
common-question (sometimes this has an S on the end)
I personally think it's less scary to set out to write a "common-question" than a "canonical - anything." Canonical is a somewhat intimidating word. But I'm flexible.
This would involve adding a tag to at least 14 main site questions, maybe more -- so I wanted to check here at Meta before I dive in. Also, if possible I'd like the tag we end up with to be pink so it will stand out better. I can't create a pink tag myself.
Some sites have canonical questions and/or common questions, with a special tag added to the individual comprehensive, reusable questions: Physics, Chemistry, Law, ELL, superuser.
At Meta we already have faq-proposed, faq (pink), and canonical-question -- but we don't have anything on the main site.
Edit 4/2/18 9 pm ish (EST): Thanks to some discussing with Wrzlprmft, I am now able to refine the proposal somewhat:
It seems that pink is not possible (sniff).
I'd like to suggest that the created tag include some prominent instructions, that only moderators are to bestow this special tag on a post. We ordinary mortals would be permitted to post on Meta to request that a candidate post be given the canonical tag (or whatever we might decide to use -- I myself lean toward "common-question").